Why We’re Feeling Weird Right Now


Psalm 46

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.

Dr. Henry Cloud has a recent podcast titled:  “Being psychologically healthy during times of crisis.”  In it he says… “If you’re feeling a little weird right now… that’s okay.  It’s normal.  You have made all these maps about how life works.  Ritual and patterns were pretty much set and all of a sudden… boom!  You wake up and everything is different.  Like none of those patterns exist anymore.  When life changes… it registers in the brain as an error.  It causes your whole body to “amp up” looking for “what is going to change next.”  This can leave you feeling a little weird.

That is not his exact words.  You can listen to them here: Henry Cloud

But the point is… change disrupts us in so many ways.  It can feel like the aftermath of an earthquake… we are shaky and disoriented.  The paths we frequently travel have fissures … blocking our customary paths.  There is an anxiousness that wells up within us because we can’t reach for our usual fixes.  Coffee with a friend.  A movie.  A night out.  Its weird.  We feel weird.

It is okay to feel that way in a time of crisis.  Psalm 46 describes an earthquake.  As you read the passage you can almost feel the earth moving beneath your feet.  It is a particularly cataclysmic one… as “mountains are slipping into the heart of the sea.”  This is “tidal wave producing” change the Psalmist is talking about!  In life one can usually trust at least the ground they are walking on… not so in an earthquake.  But the Psalmist reminds us in verse 1:  “God is our refuge.  A very present help in trouble.”  There is a place to run which will not collapse in ground rupturing times of change.

If you are looking for solid ground right now and you aren’t finding it in your daily rituals and support groups (not because you don’t want to but because you can’t)… ground yourself in your faith.  Turn over your fears and anxieties to God.  (1 Peter 5:7)

Break open that devotional book your neglected since January… and catch up.  Many Christian publishers are offering free or 99 cent books right now.  David C. Cook


Do you have a book that is bringing you comfort right now?  Could you share it with the community below?

At the end of Psalm 46 is a familiar verse.  It is perhaps a crucial verse for us during this time of “weirdness.”

Be Still and Know

Be wise.  Stay Safe.  And remember to love one another.

Pastor Wayne

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